Friday, October 18, 2019

Controversy and the Paparazzi Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Controversy and the Paparazzi - Research Paper Example However, in terms of privacy, the celebs get the shorter end of the stick because thanks to the paparazzi, they literary have to forfeit their right to privacy which was famously described by Thomas Cooley as the right to be left alone (Nordhaus 287). While Paparazzi are protected from the consequences of their actions by their first amendment, they should not abuse those rights at the expense of the personal privacy and safety others. People have lost their lives due to the Paparazzi, and more are suffering every day because of their behavior, therefore, a line needs to be drawn where a person’s safety is not subject to the perversions of constitutional rights. Before one is a celebrity, they usually are human beings entitled to their rights just like everyone else. In their quest to take photographs of the celebs, they often go out of control, and mostly results in danger both to themselves and the celebrities. The case that brought this to light was when England’s princess Diana was involved in a car crash while being chased by paparazzi who wanted a picture of her and her boyfriend (Johnson). However, in the attempt to protect themselves from this invasion, they crashed the car in a tunnel. While there has been no conclusive evidence to date on what exactly caused the accident, it is almost without doubt that the main contributors to this accident were the paparazzi. Moreover, they could get another photo of the person who in all likeliness is the most photographed human being in the world. Notably Diana was one of the few celebrities who had a cordial relationship with the paparazzi and often posed for them and acknowledged them unlike most celebs that rarely give them time of the day and even attack them (Julianna). They caused multiple deaths, which is a price too high to pay for any number of pictures.

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