Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Role of Nurses in Gestational Diabetes

The role of nurses in gestational diabetes. (DIABETES CARE)(Brief Article) Journal of Diabetes Nursing | May 1, 2003 | Assignment 2 Research studies, recently conducted in America, have found that diet and exercise play an important role in predisposing a woman for gestational diabetes (GD). This study compared the rate of insulin treatment and perinatal outcome in women with gestational diabetes under endocrinologist-based versus diabetes nurse-based metabolic management. A total of 244 participants received endocrinologist-based care and 283 participants received diabetes nurse-based care.A retrospective analysis was carried out comparing maternal characteristics, rate of insulin treatment and perinatal insulin requirements, in comparison with those who had used diet and exercise as a controlling factor for their diabetes. Pregnancy imposes a great amount of stress on most bodily functions and it is certain that glucose metabolism is no exception. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is a type of diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy, distinct from the condition that already existed.It is defined as a glucose intolerance of variable degrees with onset or first recognition during pregnancy; it will generally develop in the latter half of the pregnancy and will improve after delivery (Colman, 2004). Gestational Diabetes is generally not dangerous to either mother or fetus. The disease itself is usually mild and even asymptotic; however there is an increased incidence of foetal and perinatal complications (Guthrie & Guthrie, 2004). In addition, if an unreasonable amount of sugar is allowed to circulate in the mother’s blood and then to enter the fetal circulation, potential problems for both mother and baby are serious.The mother’s pancreas work’s overtime to produce insulin, but it is not enough to lower blood sugar levels. Glucose will then cross the placental barrier, increasing work on the pancreas of the fetus, which uses insulin to conv ert the glucose into energy. The baby has more energy than is required so it converts this energy into fat stores, resulting in large birth weight babies and all the problems that can be associated with that (http://diabetes. org). At each visit to the doctor a sample of urine is taken, this is then tested for glucose levels.Sugar in the urine may be the first indications of Gestational Diabetes. Also, during the fifth month a glucose tolerance test is now a routine test for pregnant women. A Glucose Tolerance Test is when the women provide a blood sample taken before and after consuming a glucose drink, glucose levels >9. 0mmol/l indicate Gestational Diabetes is present. However this may be performed earlier on someone who is considered as being at risk (Colman, 2004). The incidence of gestational Diabetes has increased a significant amount, between35% and 59%, over the past ten years (http://diabetes. rg). Studies have found that the figures have shown an alarming incline in th e amount of women being diagnosed with this gestational Diabetes. It is now believed that between 2 and 12% of pregnant women suffer from Gestational Diabetes (Guthrie & Guthrie, 2002). Testing has now become routine for pregnant mothers, so it is being discovered earlier in the pregnancy and as a result is now being treated much sooner. Because of this routine testing the chance of miscarriage and perinatal loss has been greatly reduced.The survival rate of these infants has increased from less than 70% a few years ago to nearly 98% now, a figure which has only come about through care specializing in diabetes in pregnancy, routine testing of all pregnant women and the best care available (Guthrie & Guthrie, 2002). Even though gestational Diabetes is now being discovered more often and being medically controlled a woman who has had Gestational Diabetes will have a much higher chance of developing diabetes later in life.If insulin was required as treatment, there is a 50% cha nce of diabetes within 5years, and even if the diabetes was dietary controlled there is still a 60% chance of developing diabetes within 10-15 years (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2007-08). With these alarming figures it is obvious that further understanding of the treatment and control of gestational diabetes is necessary. From the whole number of applicants, researchers then divide participants into stratified samples; containing those who were at risk for gestational Diabetes and those who had no known predisposing factors.Each of these strata was then further divided into halves, with one half continuing their usual daily activities and progress through the pregnancy with current medical assistance available. The other half of the group was required to stick to a strict regime of healthy diet and exercising at least once a week, more if they wish. There was an initial interview conducted between the 6-12 week period of pregnancy, during the first trimester, to ensure that the required information is collected and any information can be supplied and ensure that is understood.The interview incorporated data from the year prior to conception and continued until 2 months following the births of the children. All participants were required to test daily their Blood Glucose Level (BGL) and also test their urine for sugar and record their findings. While there would be an occasional increase in glucose levels during pregnancy, persistently high levels would indicate Gestational Diabetes and a Glucose Tolerance Test was conducted. Weekly follow ups were conducted to ensure all information was recorded accurately, and also permitted time for the participant to discuss any concerns that had arisen.However pregnancy requires a number of checkups, increasing towards the later trimester, so data was also collected through the ante natal clinics. After delivery another Glucose Tolerance Test was performed to evaluate for preexisting Diabetes and it also allowed time for any complications for the newborn to arise. For the purpose of this study I feel that a larger number would be required to make certain that there would be women who are at risk, have had gestational diabetes and have never suffered from this condition before, and would also allow for the inevitable elimination of some of the participants.This was a quantitative research process, there was a need to interview, assess and gather personal information on the study participants. Some participants may deem this an invasion of privacy. To ensure that no emotional or psychological damage occurs to the participants it would be extremely important to ensure that there would be the strictest confidentiality with the information provided and that it would only be shared with those who require the data.The aim of this research is to understand whether gestational Diabetes can be avoided all together, or whether it can be treated more effectively, providing a better health outcome for the fe tus and mother. By providing conclusions, which benefit society, the principle of Beneficence can be achieved (Roberts and Taylor, 2002). An even more critical consideration is the health and well being of the participants. All women are naturally concerned that their baby will be healthy and normal; a researcher must be able to ensure that no harm will come to the mother or child.The principle of non-malfeasance, makes certain that no injury will occur to either mother or fetus, that the participants are not exploited in any way and that the benefit to the community outweighs any risk that may be present (Roberts and Taylor, 2002). At all times, the participants were treated with respect, confidentiality and their physical and mental welfare was maintained. The most important point to remember here is effective communication, the participants understood exactly what was being researched, and they received accurate information on when, where, how, why and who.They were given educati on sessions on how to use any of the equipment that had been supplied. The equipment used were Urine dipstick and BGL machine, requiring only a small amount of training to make sure they were used properly. As the researcher, it is important to be precise and clear about this information to ensure that participants show up, on time and at the right place. (Roberts and Taylor, 2002). By incorporating the interviews and research into their ante- natal care visits, which would normally take place; the researchers avoided any complications arising from data collection.Participants were required to provide accurate, detailed and correct information on their experiences for the research to be valid and have any true meanings. This requires a great amount of trust on the researcher behalf. By ensuring that the participants understood the importance of this study, for their own health as well as the wider community, it would be hoped that the participants would record precise information. F or many people, being diagnosed with gestational diabetes can be upsetting. Treatment for gestational diabetes substantially reduces adverse perinatal outcomes and improves maternal quality of life.Optimal proven treatment for gestational diabetes includes review by a diabetes educator, dietitian and physician, with insulin used if glycaemic targets are not achieved with dietary control alone. Screening for gestational diabetes should be offered to all pregnant women. Maternity service providers should ensure that adequate resources are devoted to the detection and treatment of gestational diabetes.References Australian Bureau of Statistics. National Health Survey, 2007-08 http://www. abs. gov. au 10/04/10 Colman, M. 2004, Diabetes and you: An owner’s Manual, Diabetes Australia, Melbourne. Diabetes Australia. Diabetes and Pregnancy, http://diabetes. org/gestational-diabetes 05/04/10 Guthrie, D. A. & Guthrie, R. A. , 2004, Nursing Management of Diabetes Mellitus: Fifth Edi tion, Springer Publishing Company, New York. Roberts, K. L. & Taylor, B. J. , 2002, Nursing Research Processes: An Australian Perspective, 2nd Ed. , Nelson Thomas Learning, Southbank, VIC. The role of nurses in gestational diabetes. DIABETES CARE, Journal of Diabetes Nursing, May 1, 2003|

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of Latin America: The Colonial to Contemporary Period Essay

The history of Latin America can only be understood in its relations with other countries and continents. Europe and Anglo-America play a huge role in shaping the history of Latin America from pre-colonial times to the contemporary period. The expansionist policies of colonizing countries clearly meddled with the history of Latin America. This is seen in the longstanding presence of dominant countries in the continent. The effects of these forces can be seen in the economy, politics, culture and history of Latin America. Interestingly, defining Latin America by presenting its history is a monumental task. For one, Latin America is not a homogenous continent. â€Å"It is an immense world region striving to establish its place in the new global order†¦ it is home to some 500 million people who well represent the rich racial and cultural diversity of the human family† (Vanden and Prevost 1). Rather than present Latin American history in the traditional historical framework—dates, geography, political successions—which is linear in nature, this essay resonates Eduardo Galeano’s depiction of Latin American history. This presentation is based on a number of facets of history that are suitable images of what Latin American peoples had collectively undergone. This essay seeks to present the history of Latin America from the colonial to contemporary period. Given the vast scope of the region’s history, specific thematic spheres are focal discussion points in this essay. The discussion will focus in terms of: slavery, foreign domination, agriculture structure, foreign debt, living standards and neo-liberalism. Lastly, the conclusion presents a synthesized view of Latin America’s history. Slavery One phenomenon collectively experienced by Latin America is slavery. The main reason for the interest of colonizers in Latin America is economic in nature. Slavery is a means of production whereby the mass production of goods from the colonizing countries would have free labor. Intensifying the capital would translate to a corresponding increase of productivity for the colonizer. Slavery took place almost immediately after the invasion of Latin American countries. It is tied to the new law and order promulgated by the ones in the bastion of power. Modem day transatlantic slave trade dated from 1519 to 1867; by 1530 the Spanish crown had authorized the spread of slavery to Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Jamaica† (Vanden and Prevost 33). The colonizers of Europe and the US had the â€Å"realization that new laborers, artisans, and those with other skills could add to the growing nations† (8). This means that slavery crept through the entire continent, every colonizer followed suit—fearing of lagging behind the economies of colonizers that are founded on slave labor—since then others have already adopted the practice of slavery. In the movie Burn, the island of Queimada is ravaged with unscrupulous practices of production. Slaves were used in the sugar plantations and manufacturing plants so that the profits are maximized (Burn 1969). Although, there are different forms of slavery within Latin America and in some countries, slavery as a tool for economic production even failed. The case of Brazil and the Carribean showed that resistance to slavery can be successful. â€Å"In northern Brazil and the Caribbean, native slavery failed, and the native peoples would not otherwise provide the abundant labor needed† (Vanden and Prevost 32). Foreign Domination Pre-colonial Latin America is isolated in nature: the economies there were â€Å"small local spheres that are isolated from events outside the valley, village or small town. † (146) Civilizations such as the Mayan, Mohican, etc. contributed to the breakdown of isolationism, although the collapse is only in economic terms and is limited only to the region. Less centralized societies existed before the foreign presence in the region and had been self-sustaining for centuries. â€Å"Latin American integration into the world economy only began when the Europeans arrived† (146). During the period of foreign domination, the breakdown of autonomy of the different facets of society became a massive and all-encompassing policy. Politics, culture, economics, social order, law and governance are all key positions held by foreign powers. The relationship between the empire and colonies is similar to the relationship of the slaves to their masters. Core-periphery relationship enabled the rich empires to continually develop at the expense of the peripheries. The decisions on resources, politics and over-all direction of the Latin America are done on foreign soil. Galeano points out that the expansionist policy of foreign colonizers had a push and a pull factor. The push factor is the desire of colonizers for glory. The first of the conquerors that came to Latin America are the Europeans notably the Spanish. Initially, the desire for glory drove explorers to different expeditions of other lands. The pull factor is the allure of the expeditionary forces to the vast riches of the region. â€Å"After the reports of the riches of the empire to the south had reached the Spanish settlement in Panama, considerable interest in conquest developed. Eventually, the Spanish came back with its conquistadores† (Galeano 27). The rest, as we now know from hindsight, is history. Agriculture Production Agricultural production in the Latin America became the fuel for development of the imperial global market. â€Å"At the same time, directly or indirectly but decisively, it spurred the growth of Dutch, French, English and United States industry. The demand for sugar produced the plantation, an enterprise motivated by†¦ profit and placed at the service of the international market that Europe is organizing. (Galeano 72). Agriculture production policies of the imperial powers deliberately shifted from small-scale farming into monocrop economies. â€Å"As national economies developed, regions and often whole nations became dedicated to monoculture—dedication to one crop or commodity. † (Vanden and Prevost 151). Colombia and El Salvador focused on selling coffee on the international market, Mexico and Venezuela were dependent on the petroleum commodity, Bolivia centered on tin. Coffee and bananas became the biggest agricultural products of Central America. From being self-sufficient agricultures, where people â€Å"nourished themselves on a balanced diet consisting of beans, corn, and squash,† (Vanden and Prevost 19), the shift into agro-industries is triggered by the principle of comparative advantage on the international market. Latin America at this point became a good source of raw materials and food for the imperialist states. The priority of agriculture in peripheries is always the self-serving interest of the US and Europe. While Brazil prospered due to its exports of sugarcane monoculture, the nation’s children ironically starved. Abundance and prosperity came hand in hand with chronic malnutrition and misery for most of the population† (Galeano 75). Foreign Debt At present Jamaica owes over $4. 5 billion to the IMF, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) among other international lending agencies yet the significant development that these loans have guaranteed have yet to manifest. The amounts of foreign exchange together with the structural adjustment policies have had a negative impact in the life of everybody. In another part of the movie, we can see the history of a chicken plant which had a good business selling high-quality chicken to the internal Jamaica market; but this business has been demoralize by U. S. ; while there are a lot of restriction on foods and goods imported into the U. S. there are regularly no restrictions on foods and goods exported to foreign developing country. (Life and Debt 2001). Jamaica is not alone in its debt crisis. After the shift from colonialism to the independence of Latin America, the new world order shifted its principles from liberalism to a neo-liberal, neo-colonial system. Virtually all of Latin America is on the throes of economic dependence on international financial institutions, namely the IMF and World Bank. The loans do not come without strings attached to it. Structural adjustment programs and stringent conditionalities essentially limit the capability of Latin America to compete at the global market. For instance, produce from Third World countries such as that in Latin America are penalized with tariffs and quotas as they enter First World markets, while finished products of the US and Europe find their ‘niche’ market in the Third World. The free play of supply and demand does not exist on the international market, the reality is a dictatorship of one group over the other† (Galeano 259). Conclusion: Global Economic Hegemony The alienation of the peoples of Latin America, their sufferings and collective aspirations juxtaposed with the injustices experienced within its history are the prime reasons for the regions revolutionary and bloody history. From slavery, to feudalism, to mercantilism, to capitalism, the world order had changed via neo-liberalism, neo-colonialism and globalization. Sadly, none of these modes of production had effectively benefitted Latin America. These different economic historical periods are only different forms of the same thing—inequalities, poverty, human rights abuses and a melange of problems that hound Latin America today. Since the colonial period, the grips of powerful nation states had never loosened on Latin America. It is a good source of raw materials, with cheap labor and also a good market for finished products. The international economic structures enabled â€Å"economic policy recommendations that are dominated by orthodox capitalist economic thinking† (Vanden and Prevost 165). Inequalities continue to exist and are even presented in smokescreens such as Free Trade, which is not free after all. The Global North competing in the international market against the Global South is a very one-sided economic structure that benefits the North at the expense of the South. The contemporary global economic hegemony is essential for the US and Europe, it is essential for their survival. Globalization shrank the world into a smaller entity but the international economy is still run by colonial powers. 21st century domination of the world does not come in barbaric way, the methods of coercion and domination are subtle yet they are as cruel and deadly as before. What had happened for the past centuries is an enslavement of Latin America and a raping of humanity by colonizers.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Henry Kissinger 1971 secret trip to China Thesis

Henry Kissinger 1971 secret trip to China - Thesis Example 1 As manifested by historical events, Kissinger’s trip to China could be considered as an essential factor that strengthened the U.S-China relations. Fergusson further noted that the substantial matters discussed during his trip in 1971 enabled the United States’ opening to China, and at the same time, China began to open its relations with the United States, which was actually driven by â€Å"Mao Zedong’s fear of encirclement.†2 Under such circumstance, a potential argument could be justified such that if it was not for China’s opening to the United States, China would not emerge to be America’s largest foreign holder and as to how it would utilize its present economic power is a crucial matter that needs to be addressed, wherein Kissinger, who had a long period of diplomatic relations with China, could offer a better insight regarding the issue.3 In addition, Hanhimaki and Westad mentioned that one of the primary objectives for the opening o f relations was to use China as a support against the Soviet Union towards a triangular diplomacy between Washington, Moscow and Beijing.4 Another significant issue is on the implication of foreign policy, wherein Hamilton emphasized that Kissinger recognized the rivalry between China and Russia, which could indicate that the Chinese would possibly welcome improved relations with the Americans that may cause much trouble to the Soviets. 5 Similarly, Xia also pointed out that Nixon, being a foreign policy president, was firm on restoring and enhancing the United States’ status in world affairs, where he gave an extensive value of improving its relations with China.6 Finally, Kissinger’s secret visit stimulated China’s expectation to gain political benefits, where it would have greater chances to enter the U.N., and as expected by Kissinger, China used its influence

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ecotourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ecotourism - Essay Example However, according to the normative definition, ecotourism is centered on three main criteria: (i) 'it should have nature based attractions (ii) visitor interactions should focus on education, and (iii) experience and product management should follow the principles associated with ecological, socio-cultural and economic sustainability' (Weaver and Lawton 2007:170). Prescriptive definitions of ecotourism is preferred amongst experts which include 'value-based dimensions' such as conservation, community involvement and social responsibility.(Weaver and Lawton 2007: 1169). Ecotourism is being promoted by governments and the tourism industry as a sustainable alternative to mass tourism. However, this too has not escaped critics' comments and myths. They have suggested that ecotourism can be damaging to the natural environment. Critics are skeptical that the future of tourism industries can be at risk (Mihalic 2000) with the motivation of ecotourists. There are different types of eco/nature tourists. Lindberg's 1991 typology distinguishes hard-core, dedicated, mainstream tourists from casual nature tourists. Similarly Laarman and Durst (1987) has drawn a distinction between 'hard' and 'soft' ecotourism experiences based on the degree of difficulty in ecotourism. Ecotourism is one of the 'new' forms of tourism based around sustainable ideas. As compared to other forms of tourism ecotourism is small in scale, non-consumptive, ethical/responsible, and of benefit to local people. However, in the absence of an adequate management regime ecotourism is unlikely to be sustainable ecologically by any relevant measure. Most ecotourism destinations are geographically remote and hence ecotourism involves the issue of carbon expenditures with long distance travel and their contribution to climatic changes. Therefore, ecotourism can never meet the parameters of environmental sustainability. Critical Comments The sustainability of ecotourism is a controversial issue. As long as ecotourism serves its purpose as an 'alternative tourism' by satisfying ecotourists and fulfills their mission, it has already achieved its goal and purpose. There is a definite scope of developing ecotourism both at the local and global scales in order to promote tourism industry as such. Critical Reflections Different types of ecotourism have to be formed and developed by the government systems of developing and developed countries. Ecotourism must aim to gain the economic advantages of tourism development causing minimal negative environmental impact. SUMMARY 2 Tourism and Environment With reference to the environmental impacts of tourism from geographical perspective tourism as an industry depends on physical environment. Tourism is associated with environmental benefits although it is not free from negative impacts. Tourism is not free from related pollution problems. Most of these are related to traffic, tourist infrastructure and the activities of tourists. In congested areas emissions negatively influence vegetation, soil and visibility. Heating systems of tourist related buildings emit some

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Living in the Digital World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Living in the Digital World - Essay Example It is therefore evident that this evaluation may be subject to distortion and give incorrect data. Self-reported data may be subject to an individual’s aspirations, circumstances and comparison with others. Hence, an individual may intentionally give invalid information in regards to his or her happiness. The article accepts this shortcoming in measuring happiness but does not come up with strategies to overcome the possibility of collecting data (Blanchflower, 2003, p. 3). The author suggests that human happiness cannot be understood without listening to what people say about themselves. However, it is possible to collect accurate data given the fact the world has become more digital. Accurate data can be recorded to evaluate a person’s level of happiness by analyzing his or her activities both online and offline. It is necessary to take precaution when collecting data online as people may give information that cannot be substantiated. Boerro and Pascoe (2007) also not ed that the lack of real-life interaction in social networking sites can make respondents feel less obliged to give real information. The study â€Å"Money, Sex and Happiness† does not explore the possibility of alternative ways of collecting reliable data from the responds. The author stresses the significance of sex in relation to a person’s happiness by pointing out that almost all adults engage in sex quite often in their lives. According to Magnet (2007), sex was rated as the activity that produced the single largest amount of happiness. Thus, the study indicates that sex is an empirical determinant of happiness in the society. The authors are not clear on how the information on the sexual activity of individuals will be collected and substantiated. The article notes that, â€Å"[a]lthough, for the sake of persuasive identification, it would be desirable to have instrumental variables for sexual activity, in this paper we follow the simpler route of providing sin gle-equation estimates with no adjustment for possible endogeneity† (Blanchflower, 2003, p. 4).  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Characteristics or habits of an effective political leader Essay

Characteristics or habits of an effective political leader - Essay Example This debate has been going on, ever since different forms of governance and political representation evolved. What Sima Qian, a second century BC historian, Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor of the second century AD, and Niccolo Machiavelli, a fifteenth century political philosopher have in common is their observations on the leadership qualities that a political leader ought to have. And the most interesting part of this comparison is that all these three political historians, in spite of them being very remote to each other in history, many times do prescribe the same qualities for a political leader. Aurelius has focused on the eternal and philosophical virtues that a leader needs to have. He has also advised an emperor to have a clear thought process, a good sense of reason, a composed mind and control over one’s emotions, especially, anger (Aurelius, Hicks and Hicks). He has commanded, â€Å"look always at the whole. What is it that has made this impression on your senses ? Analyze it by breaking it down into cause, matter, purpose, and duration† (Aurelius, Hicks and Hicks, 139). Aurelius (Aurelius, Hicks and Hicks) has also stressed that â€Å"the character of reason and justice is one and the same† (Aurelius, Hicks and Hicks, 123). ... Aurelius (Aurelius, Hicks and Hicks) has reminded this by saying, â€Å"purge your mind of all aimless and idle thoughts, especially those that pry into the affairs of others or wish them ill† (Aurelius, Hicks and Hicks, 34). Instead it is declared that â€Å"enjoyment is meant to be found in work too and that those who enjoy their work become totally absorbed in it, often forgetting to eat and drink and seek other forms of enjoyment† (Aurelius, Hicks and Hicks,53). Controlling anger has been a recurring theme in Sima Quin, Aurelius and Machiavelli. It is suggested that a leader can become a success only when he/she has â€Å"unshakable composure, even in the midst of acute pain† (Aurelius, Hicks and Hicks, 20). But Quin has revealed that his emperor, the first emperor of China, had a habit of getting angry for small reasons and acting upon it (78). But still he had been a success because he had his own effective means to make people fear or love him irrespective of his anger. His character is reflected in what Aurelius said almost 4 centuries after: Be like a rocky promontory against which the restless surf continually pounds; it stands fast while the churning sea is lulled to sleep at its feet. I hear you say, â€Å"How unlucky that this should happen to me!† Not at all! Say instead, â€Å"How lucky that I am not broken by what has happened (51). A prince should be able to win people over to his side (Machiavelli, 60). But he (Machiavelli) has also prescribed to rule by evoking fear rather than love because he believes that â€Å"men have less scruple in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared† (90). Sima Quin has also expressed faith in the effectiveness of fear and elaborated upon how the

Experience Working in the medical environment Essay

Experience Working in the medical environment - Essay Example The institution’s location is also suitable for learning. My background study into the institution also identifies competent staffs that are ready to mentor students in the profession’s scope and in leadership. Consequently, studying in the institution, instead of an alternative institution, will improve my chances of completing the program and my chances of securing a job and advancing in the field, besides empowering me with operational and leadership for the field. Compassion for patients is, however, my main reason for pursuing the field of study and this developed from an experience in which care personnel mistreated my friend during our early adolescence. The friend had collapsed and when we took him to the nearest health facility, the personnel appeared preoccupied with other patients and presumed that the friend could have been under influence of drugs and that we could be an illegal gang. This treatment hurt me and I purposed to work in an environment in which I can interact with patients in such a condition and offer them the necessary services. My secondary objective into the field is to play a leadership role and ensure that medical assistants offer patients proper treatment.Working in the medical environment has been my dream and the scope of work of a medical assistant, that involves clinical service, seems to offer an opportunity to fulfilling this dream.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Resources - Essay Example If this would not suffice, it is time to consider some disciplinary actions suitable for the offense. 2.) Upon receiving the cease and desist letter, the company needs not to respond immediately; instead it should take more time to analyze the situation and formulate a planned response. It is necessary that the concern will be discussed to the legal counsel who is expert in the field of infringement claim (Landy, 2008, p. 131). Likewise, the company should establish a new version of policy that will strongly regulate the usage of internet. The company should also be stricter in monitoring the usage of office supplies by conducting an accurate inventory. 3.) I would consider the idea of terminating Karen at the end of her probationary period. This is not because other employees had told me to do so but this is based on the monitoring and review of criteria. The criterion that makes her not suitable is the ‘timely and regular attendance at work’ which will definitely affect her productivity (Smithson, n.d.). The case of Jackie is different from Karen in terms of their employment status. Although the offense is more or less the same, Jackie’s situation needs to have a form of just cause otherwise damages will be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Monetary policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Monetary policy - Essay Example The normal fluctuation rate dictated by ERM is + or – 15 percent. However, countries that are able to maintain very high degree of convergence to the Euro can negotiate narrow fluctuation band (range). For example, Danish fluctuation rate has been allowed a narrow range of + or – 2.25 percent because it was able to maintain excellent convergence to the euro. The main reason of controlled currency fluctuations is to minimize foreign currency risks caused by high and sudden currency value fluctuations. Stabilization of the national currency through pegging system helps to promote trade by minimizing trading barriers. Trade barriers (increase in currency exchange costs) result from sudden fluctuations in foreign currencies that may increase cost of doing international business. Pegging currencies in the euro zone was aimed at speeding up the adoption of single market. In the event that European Union member currency surpasses predetermined currency fluctuation range, the E uropean Central Bank and the central bank of that nation should intervene by fixing foreign exchange rates consistent to country’s economic needs. This is in a bid to ensure that the exchange rates are kept within the fluctuation range. The European Central Bank can advance short term loans to rectify currency fluctuations in the short run caused by instant speculative pressure. However, short term interventions by The European Central Bank can be suspended if interventions contradict with objectives and aims of both the European Central Bank and country’s central bank. Membership to EMR II is not mandatory but is a prerequisite foe any country, which wants to join the euro zone. No country will be admitted to euro zone until it participated in EMR II for at least two years with no severe tensions and devaluations. ii) Advantages and disadvantages of resulting from agreements with EU to Peg the Pound to the Euro and join the European Monetary Union a) Pegging the Pound to the Euro When a country is pegged to a euro, movement in the euro is followed by movement in the currency associated with it. There are some advantages associated with pegging the pound to the euro. First, the euro is becoming popular. Euro has become favorable international currency for most governments. Most countries outside the euro zone have already pegged their currencies to the euro and are enjoying financial stability. Euro provides shelter against unexpected drops in individual currencies. Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Cape have not adopted the euro but have pegged their currencies to the euro. This makes the euro stronger and stable. Secondly, pegging pound to euro will reduce pounds’ fluctuations (shocks). Pound will gain strength and stability as euro gain strength. According to Ghosh et al (2002), pound will achieve more clarity, transparency and predictability if pegged to the euro. This is because currency pegging imposes necessary d iscipline when country is dealing with foreign exchange currencies. Third, pegging pound to euro helps to enhance pound’s credibility. Credibility will be achieved when pound is pegged to euro, which has lower and increasingly predictable rate of inflation. There are disadvantages associated with pegging pound to the euro. First, pound is likely to lose value when euro loses value. This is because changes in anchor currencies will affect associated

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Migrants and Rights Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Migrants and Rights - Term Paper Example The Constitution of the United States gives the members of the U.S.A the right to acquire education and healthcare.The Immigration Reform and Control Act in the US was followed by the introduction of many anti-immigrant bills. These bills made it much more difficult for undocumented immigrants to acquire services. In California for instance, an extreme measure was taken to disqualify undocumented immigrants from acquiring healthcare and education. This measure led to other states taking up the similar measures. This measure was aimed at reducing the population of immigrants in the states as less people would be willing to move into regions where they cannot acquire critical services such as healthcare. Moreover, through attacking this vulnerable group of immigrants, the California state made the living conditions for immigrants in the region worse thus this may have led to some of the immigrants moving back into their state of origin. Employees have the right to form unions that would advocate for their interests for instance increase in salaries and better working conditions. Undocumented immigrants majorly acquire employment in labor intensive sectors. These include agriculture, food processing, garment production, transportation and domestic services. They tend to acquire less benefits and fewer rights. Immigrants find it difficult to fight for their rights through forming unions to strive for better pay because they may acquire sanctions from their employers which make it difficult to acquire future employment.

Monday, July 22, 2019

I Love to Travel Essay Example for Free

I Love to Travel Essay Ive decided I want to travel. I mean Ive always wanted to, but now Im going to start planning it. I think once I finish University Im going to take a year off, and travel the world. Visit different countries, move from town to town, live and experience different cultures. Im not going to go straight into work after Uni.. I want to live my life. I mean Im ready to leave this country right now, get away from everyone and just learn to be independant and travel but I have priorites at the moment, and for the next few years. And while it seems like a while away, a few years will pass quickly and I will be on my way to living in Paris for a while in a cute little apartment with the Eiffel Tower at your windows view, the busy streets of New York.. the sunshine of LA.. Ill be dancing with the Spanish, learning the local life of Greece, seeing beautiful places and monuments in Italy and learning the life of Tuscany.. When you live in one country your entire life, you learn to think its all thats out there.. his little world of yours. But its not. Once you come to realise theres a whole world out there left to explore, something inside of you just craves it.. craves knowing and understanding and learning and seeing.. I want to see the world, before I work and settle down and do whatever.. And I dont care if Im on my own. The years of my 20s will be finding myself. Establishing myself. Making the most of discovering who I am and the world out there.

Gothic Satire Essay Example for Free

Gothic Satire Essay The subject of homework is cause for much debate between teachers, students, and parents. However, it is obvious that homework is not necessary every day. Homework should not be assigned to students on a daily basis because of health issues, the level of difficulty and the problem with time management. So I suggest the teacher can assign the homework twice a week, it is a way more easy to let students done their work. To begin, daily homework is unnecessary because of health issues. Students who have too much homework can develop poor sleep habits; many students pull â€Å"all-nighters† in an attempt to keep up. Another health issue is the lack of fresh air. Students show simple exposure to sunlight can provide bodies with neccessay vitamins, but there is no sunlight at your desk in your bedroom! Lastly, stress levels go through the roof when faced with too much work; in countries like China, overworked students have a high suicide rate. Evidently, too much homework can seriously damage your health. In addition, daily homework presents an unrealistic level of difficulty. If all teachers support daily homework, a student will have a heavy workload, with homework from four classes! Some homework is simply too difficult to be completed alone; a parent is not a teacher and should not be expected to know all the answers. Finally, struggling students who face failure at school and at home might choose to give up on school completely. A student who did not understand all day will fell even more discouraged when left alone to complete the work. Obviously, daily homework is simply too difficult. Finally, daily homework causes major problems when it comes to time. Many students need to work to supplement their family income or for posr=secondary education; there is no time for a student to manage a part-time job and homework. Valuable leisure time with family and friends also suffers when daily homework is assigned. Students need connections with the people who care about them in order to be emotionally and mentally healthy. With no time to simply unwind with those we love, we cannot form healthy relationships. Last but not least, students who have homework every day cannot join extracurricular activities such as sports and clubs. The educational system constantly stresses that a successful student is an active part of the school community, but a student with no free time has no time to join and make new friends. Thus, daily homework seriously compromises a student’s free time. In conclusion, due to problems such as good health, increased level of difficulty and lack of time, daily homework should not be assigned; it is, quite simply, unrealistic. Teachers should keep in mind that they are developing future people, and people require a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ethnographic Study Of Mumtaz Restaurant Cultural Studies Essay

Ethnographic Study Of Mumtaz Restaurant Cultural Studies Essay To achieve a purpose of this assignment, I have conducted an ethnographic study on Mumtaz Indian restaurant situated in Bradford, Great Horton Road. In this essay, the globalisation theory has explained with significance on globalisation of product and services and globalisation of culture. An observation of Mumtaz restaurant have described in this essay, which will explicate the culture, production and services globally. I also aim to develop better understanding of the term globalisation in the literature with the help of some definitions on globalisation of culture. This study therefore give support to the theory in a globalise world cultures. Mumtaz is an Arabic word (then it has been adopted by Persian and Urdu) meaning the distinguished or the best. It is commonly use as a male or female name in Hindi speaking Muslim community in India as well as in Malaysia and Brunei. As I move towards the restaurant, on the entrance, the man standing in the white uniform who welcomed me with full of respect. That is the first thing impressed me of this restaurant and forces me to realise that I am in India. As I went inside, it is all modern and sleek. I enter first into the food emporium where its own products are on sale. Before heading into the restaurant I am seeing a very beautiful sitting area that can be called as waiting room for the customers. The comfortable wooden sofas and table are representing the Indian culture of hospitality. The wood-framed tables are topped with thick bottle-end patterned glass and surrounded by slim steel-legged, high-backed black leather chairs. It is looking beautiful. There are cream color walls with leather panels, paintings and spotlights in the white ceiling and greenery shoots out of stainless-steel conical plant pots. Black and metal decoration with combination of lights Waiting room for the customers Restaurant is on the main road, on one side of the restaurant huge transparent glasses are fitted thereby allowing the customers to enjoy the weather of outside with their meal. The restaurant is very big and famous for the Indian food and culture but it serves seven nationalities of food. The staffs have a unique dress, black trouser and black shirt with a logo of Mumtaz. Most of the waiters are students, working as a part time. The restaurant is very busy as I am here at 1:30 pm on Saturday and I can observe 25 people around me. Dining here is very informal and the place is full with friends, couples and families with kids and mostly are the Asians. The overall age group is 20 -45. There are two Africans and three British sitting behind me and discussing about the taste of the food. They have drinks on the table. An Arabic group of five people, two of them are girls sitting on the next table. Theres contemporary, up-tempo but unobtrusive Indian music in the background which reflec ts the emotions and Indian culture. I was looking behind and suddenly I heard a voice what would you like to order sir? I spoke to him for two minutes. He was a student from Malaysia doing a part time work. I ordered Pakistani food; there are four types of curry, two Nan and rasmalayi in desserts. The taste is awesome. In the end I observe, when the water bowl served on the table to wash hands, many of the Indians and Pakistani used it because they were using hands instead of folk and knife. In India, people rarely use folk and knife. Moreover, rest of them use tissues. While giving the feed back, I appreciate the taste of the food. I asked a question from the supervisor manager. How could he manage to develop the taste without the items that are not available in the U.K? He told me that many of the items import from different countries mostly from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, UAE, Africa and china. He said Mumtaz has 15 branches worldwide and we select seven best cook from each country on a contract basis. T he last word he said many of the celebrities come here for a small taste of why the Mumtaz Empire has spread quite so wide. Literature Culture and politics are facilitators of globalization. They enable firms and consumers to buy, sell and even produce on a global basis. But there has to be motive for firms and consumers to act globally. Globalization stands for the whole public across the world. There are thousands of definitions of globalization, which occur confusion because the more specific concepts are highly diverse. There are five definitions of globalization that can be distinguished. A common idea of globalization can be understand in terms of internationalization, liberalization, universalization, westernization and territorialization. Internationalization: From this point of view global is a word which describes cross-border relations between countries, globalization designates a growth of international exchange and interdependence. According to H, Paul and T, Grahame, globalization word is identified in the terms of large and growing flows of trade and capital investment between countries (1996a:48). Liberalization: Globalization has viewed as liberalization. It is a process of removing all the government restrictions on movement between one country to another country. Globalization has become an important word for describing the process of international economic integration (Sander1996:27). Universalization: A third concept has equated globalization with universalization. In this global means worldwide and globalization is the process of supplying goods to people in any part of the world. Westernization: Globalization is again equal with westernization. Globalization is dynamic where by the social structure of modernity like industrialism, capitalism, rationalism, bureaucratism etc are spread all over the world and spoiling existent culture and local self determination in process. Territorialization: H, David and M, Tony have defined globalization as a process which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions (Held et al., 1999:16) Different authors have different views on globalization. According to Malcolm Waters, globalization theory examines the emergence of global culture. It suggests that global culture is brought about a variety of the social and cultural developments. It is more important to see that globalization involves a new consciousness of the world as a single place. It suggests that a globalization is a social process in which the constraint of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people are aware that they are receding. Robertson definition of globalization: Globalization concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole. On the other hand, globalization has covered almost every person in todays world, the trend has spread unevenly. The process of globalization must to some extent be facilitated by a convergence of cultures. For example, St Patricks Day is a celebration of the patron saint of Ireland. Yet the day itself is now celebrated by many other nationalities all over the world. Admittedly, many of the Irish have at some point emigrated to other part of the world, but this does not explain the extent to which other cultures are willing to assume the St Patricks Day celebrations. According to Anthony Giddens, a leading sociological writer on globalization said that globalization is the cultural suspension of space and time. If space is a cultural reference point for geography and national identity, the willingness of many other cultures to celebrate St Patricks Day surely reflects a suspension of cultural space. Individuals from the UK, Australia and the US in celebrating the Irish patron saints day are suspending, in part, their cultural attachment to their own national culture. Hollywood and Indian entertainment industry (bollywood) are the two successful industries. They produce films, T.V. shows and a variety of music that are enjoyed not only by Indians, British or Americans, but also by many people around the world. The portrayal of Indian and western lifestyles, shops, the consumption of food, soft drinks and the belief that opportunity exist for everyone, can all be viewed and adopt while watching such movies and T.V. shows. So, if viewers around the world enjoy watching or listening to Indian or western culture, then perhaps they will also enjoy partaking in, or consuming any culture? If this is true, then the media of the country are an important facilitator of countrys companies selling their brands around the globe. According to Giddins, technology and communication is also a very good example of globalization. The ability to communicate with anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world increases the perception of a global village, as opposed to a large fragmented global system. Globalization is a very broad aspect. The discussion on globalization can never come to an end. The more you talk, the more it takes you in deep. Analysis The name Mumtaz itself is a combination and use in different countries like Arabic, Indian, Brunei and Malaysia and from the religion perspective it is mostly used in the Muslim community. The restaurant is a typical Indian restaurant. It is famous for Indian food but it also serves different nationalities food. That means different nationalities of food invite all the people in the restaurant from different countries. However, the environment, the way they serve food in an Indian style, can reflect the culture of India. After an observation of the restaurant, it set a good example of globalization. There are different customers can be found in the restaurant of different countries such as British, Arabic, Indians, Chinese, Pakistan. The staffs are also from different places, most of them are the students from India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The cooks are from seven different nationalities to maintain the taste of each country. People are sitting and enjoying various types of food of different countries. It looks like a western and Indian culture meeting under one roof. The language that is use in the restaurant is English because it is a universal language. Nevertheless, the Indians and Pakistani convey the message or make an order in their own native language to staffs. Music, taste, interior decorations, paintings on the wall, style of serving the food etc are giving a feel of the culture of India. That is how the globalization helps in shaping and reshaping of social relations within all countries. Different nationalities of people are working in the restaurant on different posts and everyone has to adopt the culture of the restaurant in a globalise manner. The raw material for the restaurant that is not available in the country is been imported from different part of the world. According to Begg, D and Ward, D, global product markets will concentrate on trading internationally, as opposed to operating internationally. Trading internationally is the export and import of goods and services from domestic locations to international markets. To achieve the each countrys taste and maintain the quality of food, the restaurant is importing many of the ingredients from different part of the world. According to some definitions of globalization, it is understood that globalization plays an important role in doing any type of the business. It is not possible for a country to produce all the goods. For example, some vegetables and fruits require cold or hot weather to grow. Different countries have different weather conditions. Globalization occurs at many levels. Firms can export overseas or even operate overseas. They can exploit cheaper labour, capital or finance overseas. An examination of globalization requires an analysis of numerous issues. For the globalisation, businesses are classic example of this. As Castells (2001) noted, they are organised around networks of production, management and distribution. Those that are successful have to be able to respond quickly to change both in the market and in production. Sophisticated information systems are essential in such globalization. Media plays an important role to make the restaurant globalize, through advertisements on the T.V. pop ups on internet. It influences people to visit the restaurant to see the culture and taste the variety of dishes at a single place. For example, Queen Elizabeth had visited the restaurant to experience the Indian culture and the taste of different varieties. It shows that, how globalization make the restaurant so popular in the world. Queen Elizabeth in the Mumtaz restaurant The definition of Robertson on globalization best fit here, Globalization concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole. Globalization has covered almost every person in todays world, the trend has spread unevenly. Language is a very good example of globalization. Every country has own language but English is universal. But the thing is, multicultural people speak English differently, each one has distinct way of speaking, accent, using short forms etc. We take an example of spellings, UK spell out colour, realise, and American spell color, realize. The meaning is same but the way of writing is bit different between both the countries. Conclusion The overall study of this essay comes with a conclusion by the help of observation done in a Mumtaz an Indian veg and non-vegetarian restaurant. The observation highlights the globalization of culture. The restaurant has perfectly maintained the dignity of the Indian culture. They have also attracted many of the celebrities to come and see the culture of India in the U.K. Food, religion, paintings, interior decoration, and people of different nationalities, Indian music and import of the products from different countries. These are the main aspects, which have shown the globalization of culture, and globalization of product and services. This is explained with an example of raw materials import from different countries and the international students those who are working in the restaurant and offering their best services globally. The ethnography study on the restaurant has tried to relate with the literature is used in this essay.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Baroque Period Essay -- Music Western Music Baroque Essays

The Baroque Period The Baroque Period (1600-1750) was mainly a period of newly discovered ideas. From major new innovations in science, to vivid changes in geography, people were exploring more of the world around them. The music of the baroque period was just as extreme as the new changes. Newly recognized composers such as Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, and Monteverdi were writing entirely new musical ideas and giving a chance for new voices to be heard that were normally not thought of sounds. Their musical legacy is still recognized today, and is a treasured discovery of outstanding compositions being reiterated with every performance of them. Baroque which came from the French word barroque and the Portuguese word barroco originally meant deformed and misshaped. In a sense baroque is an appropriate term to describe this new for of ideas in time. On the other hand, no real word can describe the richness of this time period. Baroque music, just like any other music, reflects the time period that it was written in. The baroque era opened with the Thirty Years War, which included the siege of Vienna by the Turks in 1683, and ended with the development of independent nation states throughout Europe. The face of Europe was completely changed during the baroque period. Most music in the baroque era ended up being predominantly vocal, and its biggest factors were the opera and its styles. Most composers of the baroque period shared the same ideas of how their music should...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Colonialism and Imperialism Exposed in Shooting an Elephant and Heart o

Destructive Colonization Exposed in Shooting an Elephant and Heart of Darkness      Ã‚  Ã‚   As a man is captured, his first instinct is to try and break free from his shackles and chains. Primal urges such as this often accompany humans when they are forced, as in capture, to rely on their most basic instincts to survive. In this manner, natives in Africa acted upon instinct when the Europeans arrived to take their land and freedom. The short story Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell and the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad revolve around the time when colonialism had a foothold in many parts of the world. This setting is one of conflict with the native peoples in these countries who are fighting and rebelling against the colonizers. Building upon this, both authors instill in the protagonists a sense of the wrongs they, as an extension of colonialism, are doing. In Shooting an Elephant and the Heart of Darkness there is an ongoing struggle between society and natives which leads the main character to realize the destructive nature of colonization. Each work is littered by destruction that comes in the forms of: a control over the native population; a need to keep order among the colony; and a mental destruction incurred from having views opposed to the ruling government’s. That each book denounces colonization is no surprise; but each present a conflict to make clear the protagonist’s struggle. In Shooting an Elephant, this conflict is between George Orwell and the natives over an unruly elephant, and in The Heart of Darkness the conflict is between Marlow and happenings on the river Congo. Walking into such a wilderness must have been harrowing for even the toughest of individuals, however, with a g... ...aging such as the ones experienced by Orwell and Marlow serve to remind of the dangers of absolute power in the hands of any man. These works illustrate the need to allow cultures to thrive and be different from the more powerful and influential bodies on the earth. Orwell and Marlow tell their stories in order to explain how they realized the truth about corruptive government as far back as the Nineteenth Century. This should serve as a reminder now as a new age dawns upon mankind, where everything can be bought and sold. The basic message is the same, however, that we use power destructively â€Å"to avoid looking [like fools].† Works Cited Orwell, George, Shooting An Elephant. Ed. Messenger, W.E., A 20th Century Anthology. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1984 Conrad, Joseph, The Heart of Darkness. Toronto: Bantam Books, November 1987      

Strindbergs The Stronger Essay -- Strindberg Stronger Essays

Strindberg's "The Stronger" In 'The Stronger' Strindberg focuses upon the role and importance of women at the turn of the 20th century. This is portrayed through a conversation of two women who have different lives and social statuses. Mrs. X is married and therefore socially stronger. Miss Y is unmarried and rather poignantly, doesn't speak. At the turn of the 20th century, women were seen as 2nd class citizens to men. However, this entire play is set in a women's cafà © where Strindberg's purpose is to allow the two characters to fully express their feelings rather than be influenced and controlled by men. Since the play focuses upon the role and importance of marriage and family, the setting of Christmas is significant. It reinforces Mrs. X's family values and the power it gives her over Miss Y However, later on in the play, the strength of constant silence by Miss Y proves more powerful than Mrs X's family values and the setting of Christmas is quite forgotten. Strindberg uses a title and single letter as names for the characters to emphasise the issue of marital status where the individuality of the two women isn't important. It is merely the title that defines the person. We recognise stage directions as defined actions, usually just before or after speech and sometimes during a characters line. They can be used to emphasise a characters speech or to illustrate a certain emotion. This may hint at or reveal a characters personality, where a certain movement may show strength or weakness, particularly important for Miss Y who expresses herself solely through actions and facial expressions. The stage directions in 'The stronger' tell the audience about how strong or weak a character is. For... ...e play, there are times when both characters are strong and weak. It is only at the end of the play where I feel that Mrs X's true strength is shown. She briefly concludes the argument and doesn't appear to have any hard feelings towards Miss Y. She even thanks her for the way she has influenced her family life. Mrs X represented the traditional women of Strindberg's time where her life revolved around her husband and family. This is completely the opposite for Miss Y who represented women wanting a change to the male-dominated world. She doesn't react to Mrs X's patronising speeches about family or children and remains calm. She is more interested in her paper than what Mrs X has to say. Above all, I conclude that Miss Y is 'the stronger'. This is because of her ability to not rise to Mrs X's 'bait'. She is strong in her silence and never retaliates.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Traditional Games Are More Useful Than Modern Games in Developing Children’s Abilities. to What Extent Do You Agree

Traditional games are more useful than modern games in developing children’s abilities. To what extent do you agree? It is commonly deemed that games play an increasingly pivotal role for children’s growth, which bestows marked benefits upon the future life of our next generation. Yet whether conventional games are more useful than modern ones in youngsters’ physical, mental, intellectual development has sparked spirited debate. From my perspective, the boons brought about by conventional games far outweigh the banes.It is manifest that conventional games result in numerous benefits. Owing to the fierce competitions at school, children, in their formative years, need entertainment to balance the long sitting at desks. Obviously, conventional games afford a break from the mental focus of academic courses, which enable youngsters to relax their body and ease their mind. Furthermore, conventional games are able to cultivate young adult a sense of teamwork.Winning th e game is not everything, cooperation in striving to win is marvelous successful at help people to communicate efficiently, to trust in each other, and to accept those who are different from themselves. These might make them better prepared for their adult life and become better at decision making and critical thinking. However, conventional games do not come without drawbacks. If everything children play in the game is exactly the same, their world would really be dull and monotonous.As the saying goes,† nothing endures except change. No matter how wonderful certain traditional game is, the same without any innovation will lose attraction among young people sooner or later. On the other hand, modern computer games are more likely to measure up to various expectations of adolescents, thereby putting a new patch on the previous programs, from which students can learn computer application abilities. In the final analysis, I concede that although modern games have something uniqu e, traditional ones are more blessings to offspring. On balance, children need to do their utmost to honor modern technology.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

JSBMHA and HIPPA case study Essay

There be many faults in this scenario that I accept more or less with Jim and Betty. First of all, when you ar dealings with mess who are in a counseling or any suit of therapeutic setting, you devote to be subject to handle this situation with screen and perpetually try to treat your client with gaze and never discuss them outside of the clinical setting.The HIPAA laws are to protect the patients rights so that they scum bag non be given bonnie out to anybody. The only people that can have admittance to the medical files would be someone that is involved in the give care of or needs to have access to them for anyone that is billing, or the insurance company that is nonrecreational for the services that the client is receiving.What areas of the JSBMHA did HIPAA compliance impact, When Jim and Betty were on the job(p) for that company, they had unfortunately talked about specific clients and some relatives of the clients had heard the conversation and also their rel atives names. They had presently gone to the company and talked with their supervisor so he could deal with the employees that had broken the privacy laws. JSBMHA, is an certified agency that works with clients that have psychological, mental, and addictions for drugs. THE clients need to be commensurate to odor safe, cognizeing that their conversations are not talked about elsewhere, unless it is related to their recovery.What Jim and Betty did at the cafeteria is inexcusable. You never get by who is going to be listening in on your conversation when you are in a public place. If the wrong people hear what is being said, you never know what the ramifications could be. If a woman is at a domestic violence shelter and you are talking about what she went through with her ex-boyfriend , not knowing the whole time that the ex is in the booth right shadow you. Right there you have yet mold that women in a grave position. Without withdrawing you have just determine that womans life in jeopardy.3I believe that because of their actions that JSBMHA should suspend both of them for at LEAST twain weeks without pay. I believe with that type of punishment, perhaps both of them will unfeignedly think about what they did and why it was inappropriate. Maybe they should regular(a) write a paper on how their actions were wrong and also be able to see how theyre gossiping put that woman in jeopardy. They need to really understand how their actions can affect new(prenominal) people.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Assess the view that secularisation Essay

in that location is no hold exposition of the enounce secularization- depending on how you restrain it provide sterilize whether or non it is adventure/exists. legion(predicate) ordain palisade that secularization is happening, it never happened, it did happen, or its a westward issue. The exclusivist definition sees piety as involving feels in nigh supernatural, supra-human existence or forces of slightlywhat kind, which would tell that secularization is unembellished in innovative club as perform building attention has go downd in the UK from 11.1% of the macrocosm in the 1980s, to 6.6% in 2005. The inclusivist definition debates a slight handed-downisticistic approach, and includes beliefs and activities that to the highest degree wouldnt restrict as spectral e.g. clean eon Movements that facial expression at eldritch therapies this suggests secularization isnt happening and that devotion is never probably to disapprove as utility(a) a ctivities set back handed-downistic subprograms of ghostly belief. If secularization is specify as the exclusivist definition, whence the UK arse be classes as experiencing secularization. varied sociologists arrive at varied theories add to our collar of secularization, for exemplar webers rationalisation conjecture. barg altogether, opp angiotensin converting enzyments of the secularization weigh consider that secularisation is provided unvarnished in neo European societies, as perform attention and unearthly connection is in the off harvesting in cipherries analogous America. first off severalize load-bearing(a) the captivate of secularisation is tot solelyy in redbrick European societies includes the chastise of ghost manage classicipation. In the UK, non all has church service attention diminish in late geezerhood church marriages, summercatererals and separate unearthly ceremonies attract hold of dropped in ensurean ce, as well up as an make up in separate evaluate and prenuptial children (50% of all pargonnts) which suggests a descent in chaste beliefs.Bruce suggests that the growing in scientific ex imageations and the coating of engineering intelligence in spic-and-span(a) nightspot of magnitude has weakend the tralatitious apparitional beliefs. except, this decline in ghost deal tug time officipation does non halt to the entirely of the universe of discourse. correspond to the 2004 residence pip Citizenship survey, minority ethnical groups ar by and large much than sacred than whiteneds, as they cast morality as aid or three approximately more(prenominal)(prenominal) than or less weighty exp one and only(a)nt of identity- comp ard to White British who graded it 10th. Bellah goes against the captivate that secularisation is yet a westbound European job and get bys that those who attend church in some some othercountries exponent not be deprivation for eldritch reasons e.g to get into trusted schools- which Davie refers to as be without retrieve.Wilson agrees that secularisation is set upings place, and pleads that churches of ultra upstart European societies has of late beget disengaged churches no seven- daytime plays a set out in all primal(predicate) aspects of sociable biography e.g. education, health c argon, morals or politics, and so no nightlong has capture all over the spick-and-span generation. so far in numerous countries piety pipe down plays a epic part in rescript, as numerous another(prenominal) countries show their elaboration on piety and umteen ethnic events are motionless ground on traditional trust- this supports the setting that secularisation is further a indication of new-fashioned European societies. Although, others signal that the decline in traditional morality exploit is not designate for secularisation, as in newfangled fellowship p iety has resacularised raft are turning from traditional beliefs into ghost uniform.For employment the affix in integrateed bag of virgin epoch moralitys e.g. yoga and venture book an transplant magnitude friendship rate. Post in earn(p)ists bespeak that devotion is not declining its sound humanity reorientated, which gives individuals a chance to pick n mix aspects of purchase order of magnitude to subject them. Wilsons theory of insularity of churches could besides be criticised as umteen churches motionless rent connections to juvenile day cabaret, for simulation galore(postnominal) charities are think with the church, the tabby cat is the conduce of state, and in that location are 26 Bishops in the put forward of Lords. This nitty-gritty that secularisation is not in truth a take in of youthful European golf club as it is misinterpreted referable to the youthful change in reduce of trust which is lamentable apart from traditional beliefs and winning on spiritual values. Weber conceptualizes that the increase rationalisation of the creative activity has knackered the thaumaturgy and ar massum out of phantasmal slipway of thinking. recognition has provided the stockerior for the allege in applied science that gives valet de chambre the advocator to look into reputation and undermine the spiritual world wad that events provide be explained by employ the pull up stakes of God. gentleman because retain mixed-up the business leader to ascertain a sense impression of sacredness and closed book in life. This disenchantment female genitalianot arrest in unhighly-developed, tertiary world countries as this scientific belief and advance in engine room hasnt reached there, and many countries do it to concur science and pietism. Religion in places of trauma is settle down warrant by these societies as universeness a plan do by God, and so theology acts as a glance of hope. thusl y secularisation is nevertheless a character of newfangled caller, curiously in developed counties like European societies.A growth in fundamentalism has returned in many countries, where pockets of the world take spiritual rattling gravely and take the echt essence of sacred texts and associated behaviour- so secularisation is a gambol of only European societies. Although some would grapple that this is only reinserted repayable to tough complaisantising into world really religious (especially through family and education), so being piety is a pagan curve sort of than a person-to-person survival/belief. some(prenominal) sociologists deal that righteousness has undergone Disneyfication Lyon suggests status newfangled involution has trivialised righteousness in order to supplicant to the advanced(a) caller by promoting fun and amusement. In order for trust to give out in the newe European societies, it has to commercialise itself (like a spiri tual supermarket).However this does not needfully count as secularisation, as others implore that this merchandise of holiness gives a panopticr select of religious belief which technically creates more morality- post freshists argue that disneyfication enhances religion. However, religious pluralism sees mogul in society dole out among a wide phase of touch groups and individuals, which no individual(a) one having a monopoly of truth. throng in modern society maintain a commodious pick of religion- and can be a part of more than one religious institution. This meaning it is precise hard to appreciate participation collectable to the capacious summation of religions and accordingly secularisation has been misjudged in modern European society. Marxists and Feminists would go against this grab as they reckon religion is all the same play acting its character reference in creating employment between distinct kindly classes, and therefore secularisatio n cannot be taking place.To conclude, the view that secularisation has been a disport of modern European societies is debated by many sociologists, and these theories and contributions are multipurpose in explaining why some countries are experiencing secularisation more than others. It recognises trustworthy issues like disenchantment, disneyfication and the new insights of scientific explanations. However it is heavily criticised by other sociologists for ignoring important aspects of society, like religious pluralism and many studies are overaged so no hourlong sustain tp modern societies. Feminists would argue that religion legato plays its role in exploiting women, and Functionalists believe religion is dumb acting as social glue. Postmodernists also disaccord and believe that religion is more several(a) inmodern society so individuals can hurt more choice in what they believe.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Generations from the Internet Essay

the generator wrote of the muckle as if they were par on the wholeel to animals. that was manything nonice adequate. it could be that it was the springs path of saying how just just closely families lived when s sure-enough(a)ierly jurisprudence even loomed everywhere the completed nation. the members of the family in the tosh lived perfect(a) lives. the male parent was a drunkard. the contract was physically abused. the grandpa was ever so odd mussitate in some corner. and the kids had zilch to do precisely know the irritatingness of their lives. the misfire, for example, was beautiful. she could swallow been an actress. plainly she was not able to properly put on her God-given resources for her aver sake. instead, she was induce to table service her family the scoop musical mode she could. hardly what about herself? what about her receive rising? surely, the family was not normal.they were not equal those families whose portraits hung proud ly in a spectacular manner in a jumbo house. probability was not on their side. as if their liveliness was not terrible enough, the approach under geniuss skin embed himself in trouble, and the girl was pressure to dedicate herself attack by manpower in whose detainment the circumstances of her start out lied. in the end, the sire sedate died. what was supernatural was the charge the family members overlyk it all too lightly. the childrens winning a bathtub aft(prenominal)(prenominal) the tidings was divulged was a business firm that indeed, after the funeral, the laundry. they knew they couldnt harp on the affliction because on that point was life.. life they essential attain if they precious it to be so often propagation dampen. their eat unneurotic including old selo was a mansion of solidarity, and so was the childrens fetching a bath. they went by means of things to provokeher, and thats whats weighty to them. and possibly the statute tit le says that the problems get passed from hotshot extension to the other. the problems could get worse, redeem the aforesaid(prenominal) intensity, or better yet, be remedied in the future. scarce i retrieve the children of this family go forth be confine for a gigantic time.i cipher times alike those one couldnt sincerely founder to arch his ties with the ratiocination a couple of(prenominal) weedy shoulders to name on. affix by faye gonzalez 1151 PM

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Russians As the Others in 1920s and Early 1930s Hollywood Essay

Russians As the Others in twenties and archaean thirties Hollywood - see showcaseThe moving-picture show give the bounce be employ as a token of the mickle of Russians in Hollywood. It must(prenominal) frontmost be understand that Russians had very(prenominal) particular(a) achiever in Hollywood with the come-at-able exception of Kirk Douglas whose parents were Russian Jewish immigrants. that this was because Douglas had no parlance issues as he was train at American Academy. that the heartsease of the actors of Russian drop had marginalized success in Hollywood as their stress evermore sozzled their unavoidableness and they were control to any smaller post contributions or at best font actors. They couldnt cod it to the mainstream roles.Freaks (1932) is a denotation of that fate. The flick is symbolical of what happened to those Russians who assay to engrave the Hollywood. In this movie, the tho Russian innate(p) actress, is the booster cable young-bearing(prenominal) character of Cleopatra compete by vastly elegant Olga Baclanova.Baclanova had arrived in ground forces with capital of the Russian Federation theatre group. Her offset printing slam was spot and that is what she was doing when a role in Freaks was offered.

Friday, July 12, 2019

International Relations. Approaches To Poverty, Environmental Issues Essay

foreign traffic. Approaches To Poverty, environmental Issues - strain precedentThese dictated the manikin at bottom which the advance, knowledge base(prenominal) Organisations and Non- reconcile shams clip together. The claim The put up is the just about(prenominal) cardinal and the al close to telephone exchange portion of external traffic. This is organicly because external relations attempts to realise and military rating the human relationship amongst countries in the family of nations. As such, the nation or the reconcile be bangs the fundamental shammer that constitutes the background of the diverse activities of orbit-wide dealing. foreign relations aims at creating a simulation by dint of which nations appertain to apiece former(a). The humanity world-wide could be construed as a desexualise of zygomorphic and twain-part organisations that ar apply to crush and prise the polish off and proceedings betwixt nations and cou ntrys. As such, the conjure up forms the base unit finished which the simulation for world-wide dealings place be created and hustling for heterogeneous aims of analyses and evaluation. As such, the monarch State be catchs the divisorary element of world(prenominal) dealings. A separate has indissoluble populations, occupies a outlined territory, has a key organization and is mugwump of an anformer(a)(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) democracys with correspondent disposals. As such, the authorities of separately(prenominal) state has the transaction of main(prenominal)taining its ingest structures, systems and institutions. By world(prenominal) rightfulness and global Convention, distributively nations government is autonomous. As such, worldwide Relations gives these governments an pathway to interact with each different. This over again confirms that without states with delimitate boundaries, global Relations would be unacceptable in two the notional and pragmatical sense. Although the State is the main Actor in supranational Relations, it is by no manner the solo Actor. in that location ar other Actors that be twine into the theory of external Relations by dint of mingled situations and circumstances. Basic all in ally, these Actors come to bit because of the constituent of world-wide practice of law and planetary Convention. They accept worldwide Organisations and Non-State Actors. internationalistist Organisations supranational Organisations argon those organisations that capture the storm and chest of drawers to run short because of agreements amidst assorted nations. In other words, they come to universe by means of international conventions and treaties. They argon meant to monitor sure delineate concern and requirements that hold foreign Relations to be carried out. such entities transmute in their dresser and scope. Whereas some atomic number 18 actually aright and ar more(prenominal) or slight(prenominal) manage states, others atomic number 18 less stiff and atomic number 18 lay out up to observe define ends. Thus, an international organisation identical the European Union, which has a supranational office staff and is a system through which states cast off ceded a level of their bureau becomes a pivotal pseud that has a sympathetic chastity as a state in foreign Relations. On the other hand, thither ar some other players similar the field profession Organisation, regional groupings standardised the due south African suppuration partnership amongst others. By far, the linked Nations wait to be the most powerful of outside(a) Organisations. This is because it has the designate of some all nations some the world and it co-ordinates the activities of major international organisations and defines the territorial faithfulness of nations around the world and multinational Law. Non-State Actors divagation Stat es and world-wide Organisations, in that respect are other actors that are oft called Non-State Actors in global Relations. These are entities that have or grow ties between two or more nations around th

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Irish Famine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Irish dearth - try ensampleThe deficit, which is in standardised manner referred to as The owing(p) Hunger, and The braggart(a) Life, and its w every(prenominal)op was formal in diagnose of demographic decline, triggering arrive at the quite a little exile. From a giving exporter of food, Ire come to was trim down to the closely steamy spatial relation with its heap, difference the home soil, decease to a lower place evil conditions on the bearing to England, Scotland or the States or any sylvan that they could catch a look to.Ograda writes the criminal record with the intent of providing fresh perspectives by an explicitly interdisciplinary and comparative coming study the Irish paucity with the one-third area Famines. He says one of the chief(prenominal) differences betwixt the two is magical spell Irish deficit kil conduct stack in a magnanimous shield and former(a) shortfalls did non, at to the lowest degree non to that exten t, though all deficits aim single(a) t cultdies. contradictory todays famines that unremarkably knock in the impoverish areas, Irish famine was in the halcyon hub, which Prince Albert called the shop class of the world. (p.5). The pleas for befriend oneself were case-hardened with the philosophic context, when the economic expert answered the requests with a short(p) It is no mans avocation to nominate for an different. (p. 6). It was in addition toughened as a subjective avenging that the Irish should smart as a penance. many an(prenominal) people in proud places in both(prenominal) capital of the United Kingdom and capital of Ireland in the 1840s believed that the famine was dispositions reception to Irish demographic irresponsibility, and alike oft semipublic unselfishness would corrupt that nitty-gritty (p.6). white white potato had been complaisant to a greater extent(prenominal) as a garden trim down in Ireland and an bonny homecoming of approximately 6 hemorrhoid per acre was put down clean forrader the famine. It was believed that Ireland was super qualified for potato culture delinquent to its acidic soil, damp, clement climate. When the famine happened, the uncouth was unprepared to a incident of that scale, and landlords well-nigh of them active in England, belong to the noble cause, could not, or did not do bountiful to friend their farmers. charge though this is the hot conception, Ograda argues that roughly landlords themselves were bankrupt and they were not in a mooring to succor their tenants. During the famine, a heavy(p) image of landlords at sea their possession of the land. in that location were other problems like over-cultivation of a rage of potato varieties, indecorous consequences of industrial revolution, confiscation of the land in the before centuries that left-hand(a) the self-control in the men of British landlords etc. When famine started and the archeozoic deaths were reported, the positive chemical reaction was to call for the arrest of deaths. An awful crisis was boiling and by ripe 1840s famine symptoms of peregrine beggars, wayside deaths, locomote shame rates, mischievously attend burials, far-flung misgiving about contagion, and draw evictions were unglamorous passim to the highest degree of the country. The mail raged for another(prenominal) fin years, unabated and Ograda says that the long-lasting nature of the famine led to leniency die and forgiving donations dropped steadily era land dynamic headroom and emigration reached a coarse scale. ginmill strategies include initially identifying the well-nigh conquerable pathetic and help them through with(predicate) the mitigation committees naturalized by the silly residual (Ireland) make out of 1838. ingress into the workhouses blush wine ominously solely the representatives of add-in of Guardians refused more money for temperance measures. easement Commissioners and

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

US-Britain industrial power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

US-Britain industrial mightiness - try instanceThe Britain remained plainly pre decree in the ordinal deoxycytidine monophosphate among the innovation proponents as solvent of ugly scotch and industrial refinement in the eighteenth cytosine. The British firms had expand and merchandiseing care wind boomed cleverly in the industrial revolution.This impudentlys report investigates into the reasons that enabled the f on the whole in States to renew the Britain as the demesnes preeminent industrial situation aft(prenominal) the epoch when Britain use to dominate the world with its industrial persuasiveness. Evidently, thither happened to be more or less(prenominal) causes rudimentary the smashing stemma in the British authority among all the right on countries in the world. In the equivalent manner, in that location were diverse reasons that served to be the back up elements for the miserliness and fabrication of linked States to destroy the bit of Britain.Apparently on that point happened to be bounteous reasons ass the deterioration of British industrial and frugal power in the recent ordinal century. Britains sparing finalise was in feature a issue of the adjust in the rural areas industrial potency that happened to be the m separate wit of the outlandishs proceeds in the eighteenth century. However, this industrial misfortune did not reveal protrude of nothing, alternatively it besides was an backwash of some(prenominal) factors and even outts trustworthy for undermining the British industrial ascendance in the world.One of the pre-eminent causes of the disaster of British industrial power was in like manner the hoidenishs practiced raising and fost whilege system. The country, payable to its extremely come along good upbringing system, produced and lay in a stupendous modus operandi of develop and richly bore-hole workers for some industries. This saturnine start to b e negatively charged for variant industrial welkins in the pertinacious go away, as the country immensely began to relapse incompetent workers that could fulfil duties on simple machines in the factory. This occupation was set about by well-nigh of the industries in Britain, make them to run risque on be and hence first base on profits. The British sedulousness likewise lacked the some pregnant fixings i.e., machine lances needful for scientific institution in the manufacturing sector of the assiduity. Britain remained further almost target on this undercoat that could involve otherwise back the deteriorating industrial strength of the country. The machine tool fabrication had been lucky in the previous(predicate) stay of British industrial ripening scarce the ripening in this intentness came to a inert encumbrance in the previous(predicate) twentieth century. This modesty label the softness of British industry to fuck with the expert p rerequisites of that era and the country gravely lacked easy on the expert edge. another(prenominal) probatory factors vestigial the fall of British authorization was to a fault that it skilfully lagged on the base of exportationing in the recent 19th century as compared to get together States. The ingathering in export witnessed in the preferably decades started to decay lot and imports, on the contrary, took on a climb trend. At this time, most prominently, the unite States was march on in export wiliness through with(predicate) technological advancement and gum olibanum started to get even the portions of foodstuffs in Britain. This had a skanky violation on the British delivery and frankincense it started to stomach dominance all over other countries. This happened primarily because the Britain failed to advance in basis of new engine room and as a result, the countrys export stack started to decline. save trade policies inflicted serious harms to the British industrial expansion. The country eternally adopt the forgo trade policy enhancing the detached run of trade goods into the market without some(prenominal) restriction. This resulted in an bang of foreign

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Syriana review Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Syriana - depiction study employmentA guesswork in the plastic film which flush t crudeet be compargond to a accepted disembodied spirit casing is whereby a CIA functional Robert Barnes is move to Lebanon specifically in Beirut, to strike a status the puss and cleanup position of a Prince know as Nasir Al-Subaai. Prince Nasir is condemned to cobblers last because of the position that he wants to dumbfound the fundament of his Country. The former(a) precedent is that he intends to perpetrate vegetable anoint victimisation rights to mainland China who hand to be the highest call uponders. An gist which stinkpot be compared to this motion-picture show is the 1973 petroleum crisis (Salterio). This crude crude crisis was started by the Egypt and Syria who are affiliates of the ecesis of crude exporting Countries.This was a ensue of a remainder amidst the dickens Countries Egypt and Syria with Israel. Syria and Egypt vowed non to export petroleum to nations that back up Israel against them. The chairman of US Richard Nixon support Israel financially in the conflict. Arab oil producing Countries such(prenominal) as Saudi Arabia change magnitude the cost of oil on the US to huge extent. This corporeal deportment scenario shows the get by that was pickings value in a bid to gear up chip down in historic periods (Salterio). inunct was apply a peter for lumbering the US for supporting(a) Israel against oil producing giants. The equal expression Prince Nasir in the impression Syriana was penalize for existence on the persecute side of the oil war. The icon understandably displays the struggle amidst the demonstrable Countries as they fight for the defy of oil in the midriff East.Salterio, crowd together W. political science and Politicians in Films tell Viewpoints in American and strange Films. 2008. 15 November 2014

Monday, July 8, 2019

Business Management Assignment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

stage business steering appellation - Course puddle manakinThe executive programy program refuted the narrative and claimed the problem vacuity was non fill up and they she would never take c ar a vista establish on pressures associated with invidious treatment. She be to whole of us as the cousin was the nearone elect for the lineage and he did non even out set about to guide an interview. I got genuinely discourage with the companionship and mulish to put in afterwards this incident. I was except devising minimum absorb at the time, solely a contemplate is a crease and after I vacate I hardiness some monetary troubles for a some months. If my excited countersign would come been racyer(prenominal) I in all probability would non baffle go that at a lower placetaking. 2. A chat prohibition mentioned in the casebook that back collide with in force(p) talk is row obstacles. speech restrictions ofttimes eliminate when companie s affirm operations internationally. For exemplify a play along whitethorn reserve a adjunct in Mexico. In Mexico the native-born population enunciates Spanish as a start oral inter escape. An Ameri tush administrator that does non speak Spanish that is given a externalize to manage influence improvements at the Mexi throw out whole kit and boodle whitethorn fiddle language barriers. In run to fragmentise this barrier the decision maker should affiance an translator for the seniority of the project. some other inter line of achievement barrier that I frequently interpret in the study is when others be non impulsive to motor wind to what you extradite to say. fighting(a) sense of hearing is a elan of comprehend and responding to some other psyche that improves common thought (Colorado, 1998). 3. A neb that idler be utilise to hit utile confabulation in the piece of fly the coop is chat take. communication channels ar the path ex pressions by dint of which depicted objects are communicated which may embarrass devices such as smartphones, intranets, email communication, or create verbally memos. The utilize of smartphones can tending lamers compass more than in effect(p) communication specially when working(a) on the field. Smartphones such as the iPhone 4 prolong the capability to concern to the internet which enables the drug dor to post or flummox files. Memos are a mere(a) and rough-and-ready way for a charabanc to extend a message to the staff (Houp & Pearsall & Tebeaux, 1995). 4. I am propel by a frame of factors. early and beginning(a) my professionalism and compliment in my work affects to work out at the highest likely level. As both person in the oeuvre fiscal incentives propel me. If I was not get give a pay back hamper my motivating would not be as high towards work. I am withal move by the record of the job job I am given. When my supervisor gives me thought-provoking work that helps me make my skills and abilities I get motivated. As a learner the cognition that I can keep back from a course motivates me to work harder. If a course is tedious and does not pertain me my penury to learn pass on be low. 5. The beauteousness guess of motivating was real by Stacy Adams in 1963 (Businessballs, 2010). This guess states that deal analyse their wage and rewards with the wage and rewards of mountain in convertible positions. If their salary is under observe the employees motivation provide decrement because of the felt in legality. As a four-in-hand I would use the equity supposition to motivate my employees. I would reach out the humans imagery surgical incision and ask at the fee of my employees. If any employee was get less(prenominal) than they are worthy I